Log in to Gupton Institute
Is this your first time here?
For access to Gupton College continuing education courses you'll need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this website by clicking the "Create new account" button below. Continuing Education login accounts involve a 10 or 20 question quiz, 2 tries, and a limited time of 1 hour for a passing grade of 80%. After you create a login account you may use the same credentials once you pay for another course. Here are the steps;
1. Fill out your new account user profile with these details: name, email address, and funeral director/embalmer license number(s), etc.
2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address.
3. Read your email and click on the web link it contains.
4. Your account will be confirmed.
5. Now select the course you want to study.
6. Select the button below the PayPal icon to pay by PayPal or credit card or debit card.
7. Once you complete the payment form you will be enrolled and can enter the class.